Sunday, 3 July 2011

Paranoid Again

I dont know why
Sometimes, in random days,
I woke up, and my mood is all BAD and NEGATIVE.
Really reaaaally negative energy all over me, 
Ill get mad at the people around me.
Poor them, being the victim of my cruel cruel actions.
Im sorry :(

I dont know why,
If i went out with my friends,
It took me some time to cheer up and be crazy.
And there are times ill be quiet,
Cranky and just MOODY.
Then ill be cheerful back again.
Its weird, i really dont know why.

But I do know why,
When i go out with him,
Im always in my best-est mood,
But when i know the day comes to an end,
When it comes to the "goodbye" part,
Ill be moody and cranky a few minutes beforehand.
This, i can understand.
But the others, i just cant.

I feel like im a party killer.
Me with my mood swings, 
Like pushing people and cause them to flew away
So very very far away.

I sometimes feels like, some of my friends dont fond for me.
They rather not invite me to hang out with them
Or join their parties.
Or am i just being paranoid? I DONT KNOW.

Why am i being paranoid?
I have such good friends.
Good lovely caring friends.
AWESOME and loving family.